Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 74 - Hot Hot Hot...water bottle

Its getting cold here now and I love a hot water bottle but for the life of me I could not find a western style one.  In Japan they are called 'yutanpo' and it is traditionally a metal 'pot' with a lid that you heat on the stove and then put into your bed.  A little clunky for my liking, I just wanted a hottie that could mould to my feet and warm the sheets before I crawled in at the end of a long day... not quite it, but this is what I found.....

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 72 - Hankies are Pretty, Practical and Post-able

Who does not love a good hankie?  A bit old fashioned, a bit granny.  But definitely a necessity now that its coming into winter in Japan.  The Japanese do this well and dedicate whole stores to this one small piece of fabric if not whole sections of department stores.  In fact, maybe they are used more in summer here, to wipe your brow on a humid day rather than blow your nose.  I am not sure, but students often bring a hankie into my class.

Anyways, I could not help myself...check out these cute Vivienne Westwood, Ralph Lauren and for dad...Burberry and Calvin Klein. I brought these ones on Sunday when I was in Omiya teaching in 'BF nowhere'.  They even come in a nice little envelope for a gift.  I can't show you because they are for dad's birthday but hrmmm, Christmas is around the corner...They are pretty, practical and light to post....hankies for everyone.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 65 - Road Map

I love a consitina.  I love a road trip.   I love maps.

I found this winner across the road from Gaba Akabane in a little second hand shop, 100Yen. Bargain!  I love the little ladies in the onsen and the crazy out of scale birds and fish.

I just need to figure out where it is...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 59 - Oh yeah...

Sometimes I forget I live in Tokyo.  People call me cassie-san.  Today I could see Mt Fuji from my building.  FYI, this is not Mt. Fuji, this is Shinjuku, I took this photo on my way to work.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 57 - Monday to Fryday

I really like this.  I think we should rename it to Fryday.  Traditionally we all eat fish and chips anyways so it kinda works...Also note the 25:00. Its a very common closing time here, sometimes even 26:00. Who knew there were so many hours in the day?  
Anyways, here are some more photos from my hood Nakano...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 56 - Tokyo Design Week

So last Tuesday (Day 50) I decided to make my way over to Tokyo Design Week at Meiji Jingu Gaien for a little sticky beak on what this country has to offer, the theme was 'Environment'...

I think the ideas were good, they had a container exhibition, displays from each university with student work (the best part of the day was meeting cute japanese designers who were very shy to show off their work!) a 'Cool Japan Conference' tent, and then inside the large tent was basically a retail store or trade show.  Lots of green walls, laser cut jewellery and bikes for sale.  I was a little disappointed....

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 49 - Typhoon, Treats and Tricks

 I just wrote an epic post and lost it, so this will now be short and sweet...