Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 72 - Hankies are Pretty, Practical and Post-able

Who does not love a good hankie?  A bit old fashioned, a bit granny.  But definitely a necessity now that its coming into winter in Japan.  The Japanese do this well and dedicate whole stores to this one small piece of fabric if not whole sections of department stores.  In fact, maybe they are used more in summer here, to wipe your brow on a humid day rather than blow your nose.  I am not sure, but students often bring a hankie into my class.

Anyways, I could not help myself...check out these cute Vivienne Westwood, Ralph Lauren and for dad...Burberry and Calvin Klein. I brought these ones on Sunday when I was in Omiya teaching in 'BF nowhere'.  They even come in a nice little envelope for a gift.  I can't show you because they are for dad's birthday but hrmmm, Christmas is around the corner...They are pretty, practical and light to post....hankies for everyone.

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