Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 49 - Typhoon, Treats and Tricks

 I just wrote an epic post and lost it, so this will now be short and sweet...
Saturday night, Eloise and Sophia were going to a party that had an expensive cover charge so I decide to go to the pub i work at for a few drinks.  PS. there was a typhoon in tokyo that night too, so I was nervous and a little excited but it was not such a big deal, just windy and rainy.  My coworkers had told me about a new bar across the road and we planned to go there once they finished work.  There was a wedding party there that night, the third party for this couple.  The first one is formal ceremony with family, second on is party with friends and more casual and I think in this case the third one was a chance to get really wasted. We arrived and the bride was passed out on the couch, so were several guests.  This picture is with some guests and the groom in the pink shirt!

 Edith, Kei and Michiko were teaching me Japanese to congratulate the bride and groom, see notes below...I don't know how I read them, I sure as hell can't in the cold light of day...

Anyways had a super fun night, too many beers but very giggly and got the first train home, got home and set alarm for 8:30am but forgot to turn it on.  Gaba was calling me at 10:10am saying where are you.  Hate that.  

And from facebook 'You know what's rubbish? When you have to teach at 10am after getting home at 5:30am, then you sleep in, miss two classes and then get to work and find out that your housemate was working at the same school as you at 10am and did not bother to wake you up.' That's right.  I did not know that Barrett was teaching at my school on sunday so when I arrive and I can hear his voice across the room (he is very loud remember) I was a little cranky. When I asked my housemate about it, he apologized and said that he thought I was an adult, and I did it the week before so he thought I would be OK.  Even as he is leaving for work to teach at the same place, starting at the same time and he had not seen me surface at home....ARGGG.  He picked up an extra lesson because I was late so I bet he is happy.  Oh well, next time it would take all of 2 secs to knock on my bedroom door...DOUCHE.

I made it throught the day, just, it was just a bad day, one of those.  Not to worry, I had a great night out and it's a new day, new week and a new month today....

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