Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 131 - I mean Day 113 (retro-post) - Sou Fujimoto



So I totally forgot to put this up and today seemed like as good as day as ever because it was from day 113, but today is day 131, so both days have a three and two ones.....

Anyways, when Bridge and Jules came to visit we went to the Watari-um Museum to see the 'Forest, Cloud, Mountain' exhibition by Sou Fujimoto.  In such a small gallery over 3 floors we were kind of in and out in 20mins. The best part was the top floor where he had constructed one model, which took up the whole room.  It was a small piece of Tokyo with a pathway carved through it and it had small moments where he proposed his visions of the future.  I also like the floor with all his dog models and drawings.  Not everything was so 'beautiful'.  the bottom floor was ok, but had these strange plastic dogs in the space.  They freaked me out.

I think its over now, it finished on the 16th January 2011.  Sorry. 

Photos by Jules Ong

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