Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 133 - Saying Goodbye Already

It's been a little hard the last couple of days saying goodbye to students when  I am not quite ready yet.  It feels real now and while I am excited to be going home, I feel a little sad to be leaving some of my favorite students/clients....

These are a few presents and a beautifully written card from one client that, 3 months ago was very shy and un-confident with his English.  Now he has blossomed and he can't talk fast enough for his own liking and he is attending English seminars at his company.....onward and I love the fact that he said many Japanese are 'allergic' to speaking goes in the 'best phrases box' along with one client who came to class on Saturday and said he had an 'alcoholic headache'!

Check out the pressies below, one of my clients works for a major dental company.  He gave me some toothbrushes, a toothbrush shaped pen, toothbrush mobile phone decoration and some hello kitty tooth stickers and told me that healthy teeth are very important.  FYI, chewing also helps activate your brain.  Who knew!

This last one is Hina Matsuri dolls, they are very Japanese and celebrate girl's day on March 3rd.  

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