Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 107 - A Very Meguro Christmas

So I spent Christmas day working at the pub and it was nice to be somewhere festive. It was so strange catching the train in the morning and then popping into Starbucks for a coffee on a day where the streets are normally dead back home.  I opened my presents in the morning via skype with the family and after a little teary I headed off to work.  Quite a good day, it was booked out for both sessions.  But their was not enough xmas plates for staff so we ate curry from next door, but it was tasty! I finished up at about midnight and sat around debriefing, eating cheese and drinking beer, so it was good day all round.  

Had to teach on Sunday and then on Sunday night we had our xmas party at a tiny gyoza house in the middle of a market in Sangen-Jaya.  It is run by the ex manager of Meguro Tavern Kuni, and he makes the most delicious Gyoza in town.  I want to go back for his delicious chocolate gyoza. Mmmm, oishi!.  So after drinking in the middle of a closed market until 3am (maybe 4am), Edith, Kei and I head back to Meguro and ended up at Johnathons family restaurant for one final beer.  I got home a bit before 7am and then had to teach at 5 lessons at gaba and then at 5pm at the pub.  By the time I finished at the pub, I had the biggest bags under my eyes but it was all worth it, great couple of days celebrating Christmas with meguro family! 

Now my schedule is free for a whole entire week and I am getting out of Tokyo for the first time ever (unless Yokohama counts) I am off to meet Bridge, Jules and the Ongs in Kyoto for NYE, I am so super excited! xoxo

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