Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 97 - Katajikennai



So I thought I had best report on the events of my birthday.  My first day off since I started working in Nippon back on September 22nd.  So I began the day at the doctor, never much fun, but it was straight across the road from Tokyo Tower so that was a bonus.  They were nice doctors at  so I would recommend them if you need to go.  But it did cost me an arm and a leg.  I will claim it on travel insurance later. 

Anyways so after that i decided to treat myself and hit an onsen recommended by Marieluise.  It was amazing  I could have easily spent all day there and felt so relaxed after 3 hours.  I felt quite anxious being the only foreigner there and then the whole being naked thing.  But at this onsen it is separate male and female so its not a big deal at all.  They have a large hydrotherapy bath in the centre where you can wear your togs and it only cost 2250Yen to get get in.  This includes being able to sit upstairs and look out over the garden, have a sleep in the massive lazeboys in the nap room and read magazines.  They also have a restaurant, cafe and massage facilities which I will definately get next time.  And , its only a 12 minute ride from my house, sooo excited.

After that I went home for a nap and had arranged to meet Eloise for a drink in Shimokitazawa.  I love that area.  We went to two super cute tiny bars, kind of reminded me of Melbourne!  So after I headed to the meguro tavern to meet all work friends and we were going to a little bar across the road for drinks once they all finished.  I was such an amazing night.  They totally spoiled me.  At the bar we ate delicious snacks and drank beer and they had organised  cake with my name on it and bubbly wine.  They got me the most thoughtful gifts and I felt a bit teary that having only known these people for 3 months and they made such an effort to make my birthday special.  We sat and chatted and drank all night.  Literally all night.  I went to the bathroom and all of a sudden the sun was up and it was 7am! I had to start teaching 12 classes at 10am.  So I jumped  on the Yamanote line home, had a quick shower and then headed out to Akabane.  I was surprisingly feeling OK.  Primed myself with a coffee and a BLT and was ready to go.  It was actually OK.  Though my collegue did say that he could not see my eyes.  By 8:30pm on Saturday I was a mess.  I managed to make it through all my classes without yawning or spewing...Maybe this is bad positive reinforcement, because I will probably do it again!  We have already planned to go out on Christmas night after working at the pub!

So I just wanted to thank Edith, Mitchiko, Kei and Takeshi from the bottom of my heart for making my birthday so super special and one that I won't forget, katajikennai.

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