Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 92 - Searching for a new diary....

So its been a while since I wrote about any daily life stuff and today I posted home Chrissie presents so the next thing consuming me is  the search for the perfect 2011 diary.  It has begun and being in Tokyo I am spoilt for choice.   Maybe too much choice.  I can't make a decision. 

I went shopping with Sophia the other day and we went to Loft in Shibuya.  There was four aisles of diaries, in different formats,  colors, sizes, shapes and fabrics.  We spent almost an hour looking at them.  I found one (nice format, weekly with notes) but it was a ittle too big.

It's such an important thing, probably the one thing that I will buy that I have to look at everyday of the year.  In the past I have always gone for moleskins, and I should just do the same this year.  They have got it right, a little tie to hold it together, simple colors, hardcover, little ribbon thing, weekly with notes.  But this year I want to be different, I don't know why, maybe its because I am inTokyo and I have choice. I was talking to a guy last night about this dilemma and he goes for moleskins (one red diary, one black notebook)  because they are good and reliable, why try something different?  But you know me and I have to at least search to see if there is something else out there...

So, then I went to Parco and I think I have almost decided on one, well at least I am down to two. It seems quite trendy this year for 'german, 1950's bookish style diaries' and given that I will be teaching next year, something like that seems fitting.  But I am afraid on me it will just look dorky and not some kind of hipster cool.

Anyways, I will let you know when I make a decision, I have two weeks.

Oh, and the guy I was talking about, he likes moleskins, scando design, and speaks English, French and Japanese, and he is super funny (in that dry English way).  He also has a 'back-up present drawer'.
I have asked him out.  I will keep you updated on that one too.

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