Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 143 to 145 - Every Hour Counts

Friday (day 143): Taught 12 lessons then off to Meguro Tavern for drinks and then karaoke with regular customers and staff.  it was so much fun, I even sang 2 songs despite hating singing...I was belting it out at one point.  Several beers do help.  There was lots of dancing  but at 5am, it was time to call it a night....I was teaching at 10am. Got home at 6am.  Thanks so much to Alex (2nd picture on the right) for organising such an amazing night. 
Sat (day 144): Taught 12 classes after 2 hours sleep then I met Sophia and Alex at Hachiko Wall  because on saturday night she was being filmed for a documentary  'Hafu' that is about half Japanese people living in Japan.  We drank (skulled) a couple of chu-hi's at the combini and then headed to trump room for a night of debaucherous ( I think thats a word) fun.  Lots of drinking, dancing and crazily enough I met two people that used to work at the Queen Victoria Market.  Crazy times.  I even went local.  Melon has some evidence so I will upload them later.  So, out dancing all night and maybe had 2.5 hours sleep, can't really remember when I got home.  Although melon tells me now that we left the club at 5am, and then So I am guessing I maybe had 1 hour, maximum.  Trying to decide whether to see the guy again.  My last few night in Tokyo are precious.
Sun (Day 145): Taught 12 lessons beginning at 10am and cried saying goodbye to two of my students.  Then a quick dinner burger with co-workers and off to bed for a decent 10 hours sleep.  Making the most of every hour left in Tokyo.

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