Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 149 - my little kokeshi

 Today I got my latest tattoo.  I went with my friend Edith from the meguro tavern, who has kind of become my coach.  First it was just coaching for coctails but now its for lots of things!  Anyways, the tattoo artist was amazing.  Kooky but talented.  His studio was in between harajuku and shibuya.  It was not like the factory experience I had in Amsterdam.  But we were at this guys house/studio for over 3 hours working out the best design, testing options and then drawing.  I even showed him some photo shop stuff.

It felt like a collaboration and he really cared about what we were doing, despite the language barrier.  He really looked at the lines of your body and compared wit with my other tattoo to make sure they would work togther and he drew up several designs for me.  He warned Edith that she might have to wear a wedding dress one day.  

And once he had finished my tattoo he said 'show me the cute one'!  

She is so cute!  I love her.  She has a personality.  Cho Kawaii ne?

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