Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 148 - Besutotaimu

Last night melon, Karina, Dre, Dincan Kristaina and I headed out for a nice dinner.  We went to Yuian which is on the 52nd floor of the Sumito Building on the west side of Shinjuku.  The view was incredible.  My horrible camera does not do the view justice.  Kristian and Dre both got some great photos so I will upload them later.  Anyways the restaurant had a special on at the moment.  It was all you can drink for 1250en.  Plus a set course for 3500en.  My favorite was the Japnese amberjack.  Not sure what fish it was but it was delicious.  Plus I really made the most of all you can drink.  Duncan, however, was still feeling a little tender from Saturday night, which he still has no recollection and so he stuck to the orange juice.  Still good value for money though.  OJ can be expensive here.

Then I googled 'Best time' in Japanese.   

Also forgot to mention that we went to the Tokyo Modern Art museum Today.  Saw some nice things including 'Ceramic Design of Sakaegi Masatoshi - Rhythm and Waves'  I especially liked his boiled egg holder.

Now it is 5:30am in the morning and I can't sleep so its a good chance to blog.  I just checked my emails and their is one from a student that I have/had a crush on.  He wants to catch up.  Hrmmmm?  It does not rain but it pours...

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