Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 153 - My Last Post, Katajikennai Tokyo


So this will be my last post.  It was supposed to be on day 151, my last day in Japan but amongst all the saying goodbye and packing, I didn't quite get around to doing my last post.  But I have to say that I maximised every last hour in that city.  

On Friday Melon, Karina, Kristian, Dre and Duncan and I headed out for a de-lish dinner in Shimokitazawa.  We had daikon salad, gyoza, eggplants and raw mackerel that was seared with a massive blow torch right in front of our eyes!  Then we headed to the meguro tavern to say goodbye to the regular customers.  It was so sweet, there was quite a turnout.  I was surprised.  I mean, I had only worked their for 5 months and, 2 nights a week at that.  But I guess, they were quiet nights so it was really a chance to get to know the regulars.  Anyways, it got to about 12:30am, and I had booked a table over the road for 11:30pm, so already running an hour late.  we rushed over and waited to Edith and kei to finish at the tavern and come over.  They brought some regulars too.  It was such a good gang.   We ate so much food, amazing chicken, this crazy sausage thing that tasted like a thai green curry and you wrap it is cabbage, add roasted peanuts and squeeze a bit of lime over the top and its a flavor explosion.  The bar closed at about 4ish, (I think) but the four brothers that ran the bar sat down and we chatted until 7:30am (I think).  I was totally trying to explain to them that a bar like this would be amazing in Melbourne and I am sure that I convinced them that they should expand out.  Please please please. I will be your most regular customer!  

Then it was time to say good bye to Kei and Edith. Arg, it was so hard.  They walked me to the train station, like so many other nights and when it was time to go, both Edith and I were crying our hearts out.  I couldn't stop saying 'thank you and it was fate' and edith couldn't stop saying ' Don't change, don't change!  I cried all the way from meguro station to nakano.  I really believe that I was meant to meet the people that I did in Japan and even though I did not have so many friends, The ones I had were incredibly generous and loads of fun!

Then I still had not packed my bag and it was time to shove everything in.  Coming down the stairs I got a massive bruise slipping down the stairs while carrying my sheets from the laundry.  I should really post a picture of it because it really is nasty.

Anyways, so packing in a drunken and emotional state is probably not the best so I decided to sleep for an hour and then keep packing.  I had also arranged to meet a friend for coffee at 12:30 before my house inspection at 2pm.  I told you, maximising my hours.  So I was about to head out for coffee, but i had lost my house keys.  In my frantic state of packing, I loaded them into my suitcase. Anyways, calmed down, found the keys and off to meet my friends, I mean ...student.  I had a crush on this person when I was teaching so I was excited when he wanted to catch up for coffee, but after losing my keys, getting lost at the wrong exit, i only had tome for a quick (30 min)  coffee.  Anyways, then it was time to run back to the station because I had my room inspection between 2-3pm and I had finished packing or cleaning.  I'm an idiot. But it was all OK, sakura house arrived about 2:25 which gave me just enough time to finsh shoving my things in a bag, throw some things away and vacuum my floor.  Made it.  Off to the hotel to meet the other but the bus was full, so back to shinjuku station to take the Narita express to the airport.  It was super easy and then a last bit of duty free and I was on the way home.

I suppose my last night in Tokyo was quite fitting for my experience.  Lots of drinking, eating, chatting and very little sleeping!.  Coming back to Melbourne, I  was/am wondering how I would/will fit back in here.  But I suppose we will wait and see.  What I think Tokyo gave me the confidence was that I can really complete a challenge when I set one and I can get through difficult situations, like moving to a country where I don't speak the language, don't know anyone and have no money....and leave on such a high.  A place where I can now speak just a tiny bit of the language, have some amazing friends, I can eat rice everyday, if not twice, I went local and I can navigate my way though shinjuku station (most of the time).

I don't feel that I am quite done with Tokyo and will definitely go back there to visit.  But for now I have wonderful memories and mementos.  Maybe I need to start up another blog starting up my new life in Melbourne.  Again.  Wish me luck.  But for now, sayonara Tokyo and Katajukennai. xoxo

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