Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 31 - Happy One Month Anniversary

So today was my 1 month anniversary in TYO.  It was going to be a good night when my last student was a no show and I got to finish work early (10pm).  I had planned to head into Shibuya to meet up with Eloise (fashion designer form sydney, has the nice blog called catkin and teasel), So I meet them at the Family Mart convenience store in Shibuya where Eloise and her friends were sipping on Asahi from the convenience store.  We were going to a bar called the 'Trump Room' (pictured) where some DJ was playing. FYI, the girls in this picture are Camille (French) and Sophia (Sydney). 1000 Yen got us entry and 500 Yen beers was a plus.  There was many cameras out that night, mine was not one of them but I remember (vaguely) taking and posing in many photos, who knows who's camera it was.  Anyway, this photo was taken on Sophia's camera and I have saved it from her facebook, I hope that's OK by her...She also has a blog and it is super cute.  Check out   All about food and fashion in Japan.  Meanwhile, who doesn't have a blog these days? 

So beers and lots of dancing, Eloise loves a dance so I was very excited to have a buddy on the 'DF', (thanks for the term Eloise, love it).  So I pretty much danced the night away.  No stories, but danced with lots of boys.  The crowd was uber cool, but met some really nice people including an Australian couple that I can't remember their names.  Anyways, it must have been about 4am and feeling pretty wasted, Camille, Sophia and I decided to leave.  Food was first on the agenda.  We went to domo domo for something to eat and kind of decided to wait for the first train home at 5:15am.  So I got the train to Shinjuku but my subway line was not starting till 6am so I wandered home along the canal, and got in a little after 6am, I think the walk was good for me, I was much more wasted than I thought (as per usual).  Anyways, thank goodness I did not have to teach today because my head was still throbbing at 8pm.  Laid around in bed till about 2pm and had to go and pay my rent before I went to work at the pub, (struggled through work) and now after an ice cream, I seem to have perked up for the day.  

So all in all and big celebration for a Wednesday night and a great way to spend my 1st month anniversary meeting new people, dancing and drinking!


  1. Happy 1 month in Tokyo Cassie!! Sounds like you're having a ball and your photos are cute as! xo

  2. Ahhhh haha! What a fun night. I wasn't a happy camper the next day though. Let's do it again some time! xx

  3. Hooray let's get back on the DF soon!
