Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 42 - Drinking, Donki and Doner

So after teaching 10 classes on Saturday, I was planning on meeting Eloise and Sophia out for a few drinks and a bit of a dance at Micro Cosmos in Shibuya.  We met at Hachiko Wall at 10:30pm and on a bit of a budget, (still got to wait another month for my first pay from Gaba) we hit the nearest 270Bar.  Everything is 270, gold. Well the idea is gold, until you see the beers and they are half froth, but still, beers are anywhere from 600-1000 out, so 270Yen is a steal....


Then we went to Microcosmos about 12:30am and there was a couple of good dj's and then some weird Japanese electronic band.  They were super cute, but the music was a little weird, so a bit after 3am we decided to call it quits.  Food of course was on the agenda and funny enough there was a kebab stall as we stumbled out....chicken, cabbage and mix sauce, maybe not worth the 500Yen we paid but it's what you do after a few drinks.   Next to the kebab caravan is a crazy shop called Donki.  Its kooky.  Like a cross between a costume shop, price line, bottle-o, not really sure how to describe it.  But after a few drinks, what other option is there but to play dress ups, maybe you have seen the damage on facebook.  I am not going to put the photos here, I look awful. Desperately need a hair cut and color, I can't even pull off the stegosaurus here.  So dress-ups, Eloise went ghetto and Sophia went Japanese cutie.  Loads of fun and in hysterics when I saw the photos the next day, best part of the night for sure.  

Worst part of the night was having 3hours sleep before teaching 10 classes at Omiya.  (In Saitama, middle of nowhere and cost me 650yen and took me 45 mins to get there) and it was my first day teaching out there, so can you imagine introducing yourself 10 times in one day, the same spiel, every 45 mins?  Cruel.  "My name is Cassandra, you can call me Cassie, I am from Australia.  I am a Landscape Architect.  Oh, Landscape is....and architect is..... I like eating and riding my bicycle. What about you? BLAH BLAH BLAH



  1. I'm loving the blog Cass. I can really picture your Tokyo life - great stuff!

  2. Aw that's such a cute pic you took of us Cass! I'm gonna get rid of all my hair on Sat...! And that kebab was dirty but sooooo good x
