Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 35 - Hamburgers and Halloween

Saturday was my market research hamburger day.  3 burgers in 2 hours at 10;30am, Ouch. I really felt like I should have had a big night out before I came to this. So get there and seven other Australians are sitting around the table.  The company could not tell us why they were doing this market research but there was plenty of speculation... first burger with fries and ice tea down, we went up to the corporate offices for a discussion on what was good and bad about taste, price and presentation.  Same thing with two more burgers. What a great way to spend two hours, sitting around a table chatting eating burgers getting paid $130 to do it.  Pretty much my ideal Saturday morning.  One of the burgers was not really a burger though.  Where there is meant to be was rice.  Crazy Japanese.   We were all laughing when it came out but it was surprisingly good.  The meat in the middle was kebab style with a teryaki sauce.  Tasty.  About halfway though the 'burger'  it started to fall apart a bit, I lost some down my top.  The company businessmen watching us with a translator were in stitches, as I tried to grab a chunk of rice off my chest in some sort of lady like manner.  Anyways, easy money, hopefully the company that organised it will ask me to do something like that again...

Then it was out to gaba to teach seven lessons before the Halloween party at school.  It was only for two hours but man can those students drink.  Wendell, the school leader had made sangria and the students loved it!  They had to play a game of bingo where they had to ask the instructors questions off a list and once you knew which instructor it was, you wrote your name and the first person to get all 16 boxes filled won an ipod shuffle.  It was a super cute night and check out the snacks you like the Japanese take on cheese and bickies?  A bit of philly cheese on a salada (sort of), bit 80's, I love it.   On a funny note one of the students from another school kept saying that 'cassandra looks so young' and trying to guess my age.  He was 20. He was asking if I have a boyfriend and when I said 'No' he said Why?  One of my other students had to tell him that the question was a little rude! Anyways he went to his leader later on to ask if I can teach at his school sometime because he would like to take my class!! He got a photo with me and said to his leader  'She smells so nice, I want to kiss her'!!  Meanwhile, he is normally a shy person his leader told me.  I am guessing he tucked into that sangria.

1 comment:

  1. Laughing out loud imagining business men laughing at you retrieving rice 'bun'!! And how cute was that young man, sangria or not! A compliment is a compliment... Cringing a little about cheese and bikkies. But loving your story telling hon x
