Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day Eight - Going Corporate

Well yesterday was not really post worthy.  Sleep in, shopping in Harujuku (amazing, wish I had more room on my credit card) checked out Issey Miyake, Comme de Garcons, Yohji Yamamoto (spelling?), and Prada (can't escape the dutchies for design, although that vertical wall on the side is looking decidely brown).

Other than that, watched a bit of 'Keeping up with the Kardashians' season five and called it a day, ready for my contract signing appointment with Gaba.

Could not sleep of course, always the way with a new job.  But all was straight forward.  Had to read through lots of documents, do two mini-quiz's based on what you had read and shoot a 15 second introduction film about yourself.  Two tests went fine, but I was shitting myself after my last test for 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' was a complete disaster, I thought, they can't ask me to leave already, I have travelled across the world for this.  Well not really, but I was prepared to be dramatic if I got less than 70%.  It was fine, I passed with 80% on the first one and 88% on the second, so all was OK.

Hrmm...introduction film.  Cheese central.  'Hello, my name is Cassandra, I am from Australia.  Previous to this I lived in Amsterdam where I enjoyed exploring the city on my bicycle.  I am very excited to be in japan and I look forward to meeting you soon!' 


The induction leader said it was very 'unique'.  Hope that's a good thing.

The next three days are the training course from 10-7, which seems like it will be huge, but I will wait and see.

 I have not bothered to go to the JAWHM yet, it is hot and sticky today and I just wanted to get out of my corporate clothes (black pants, suit coat, white shirt and flat black shoes) feels totally not like me at all and can't wait for this three day training to be over and in the 'learning studio' I can at least where a dress and some fun shoes.

Feeling OK about Gaba so far.  Hours seem to be a bit crap, peak hours are 5-10pm and weekends but i figure if all the other tutors are in the same boat then we can all go out for a drink afterwards and de-brief.  Plus at teh moment I am a bit of a nigel no friends so I really have all the time in the world...There are two other Australian girls there, both from Sydney, one is a textile pattern designer...one has been here 3 months and the other 5 weeks so I am still feeling pretty fresh in comparison...

I met my American housemate the other day.  He has a loud indoor voice and also works for gaba.  He said that he got off to a 'shakey start' and did not have many students signing up to him for the first two months but now it has picked up.  I am hoping that it goes a little better for me.  I am quite happy to work loads at the beginning of my trip and then take time off later when everyone comes to visit....And if it doesn't work out, then I will find another job.  Will let you know how three day training goes tomoz.

What do I miss?  Good, real coffee.  (Starbucks does not count)

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