Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day Five/Six - For Heavens Sa-ke

First of all, thanks heaps to Taz for making the super cute logo for the blog!

So yesterday morning I was going to the JAWHM (Japan Association for Working Holiday Makers) because the website said they were open on Saturdays, I go there and they were closed.  OK, this happens for a reason. What to do on a Saturday morning? Go shopping. Of course.

So I head to shinjuku and decide to take the east exit (loz had recommended it) and it is still early about 10:30am and pretty quiet at the station....But people were already lining up for the shops, a huge line for Top Shop, crazy times.  They had a promotion, when you walk into the store you get a bag.  In that bag is a key. In the store there is a closet.  If your key unlocks the closet, you get what's inside.  Bit like Cinderella, but I did not stick around to see which person unlocked it...I had my mind on Zara and on how much room I had on my credit card...just enough to buy a blazer, shirt and dress.

Looking at my map, Shinjuku Gyoen Park was not that far away so I decide to stop at a convenience store and get a little picnic lunch for the park.  After paying 200Y to get into the park, the park was packed, people sun baking, families and load of people painting/drawing.  I found a little spot and sat myself down with my ice cream and sushi.  

Head back to new place for a rest and then Lisa and Aiden send a message saying that they are in Tokyo and would I like to catch up for dinner and drinks?  YES!  Its a Saturday night and I have not even been out out yet.  So I met them at Ikebukuro station and we have a quick walk around the 'red light district' but then decide to get a train to Ebisu for dinner and drinks.  We had an amazing yakitori dinner at, well I don't know the name.  But it was the best meal I have had in japan so far.  We walked down the stairs to this little place and while we waited for a table, they offered us a beer (in massive silver goblets) and we drank and chatted on the stairs.  We order a few things, beef tongue, quail eggs and bacon, prawns were easily my favourites.  So good.  Then we hit a little sake bar that they had been to earlier in their trip.  We just got one between us (already feeling a little tipsy) and another round of beers.  The bar was playing weird music so we thought we would hit another bar, but checking my clock on my really bad white armani phone it was already 12:20am. I have no idea where the time went but we thought it was a good idea to check what time the last train went, it was in 20mins. So we jumped on the train.  Think we all could have kicked on for longer, but was for the best.  Feeling the sake now, and it was Lisa and Aiden's last day in Tokyo.  GREAT night.  I hoped off at shinjuku but my train had stopped so I got the last train to nakano and then got a cab home.  It only cost 980Y, so not so bad. 

Feeling a little tender this morning (I don't remember hanging up my dress last night) so tried to channel a bit of Tom and decide to spend my hangover walking around getting to know my neighbourhood.  All I really wanted is a cheesy from maccas but I am going to try and avoid it.  I check my map and realise I am not that far from shinjuku stataion, and its only a 30 mins stroll, handy to know next time my train stops early in the night, I can just walk home.

Have  a look at Tokyo Metropolitan Office and gardens and then get a bt hungry so hit the subway home.  Too lazy to walk the way back! Then its pretty much a lazy day ahead.  All the running around has caught up with me now.

Tomorrow is a public holiday, I might hit Aoyama tomoz for a little architecture tour.  Tuesday is big day, I have my contract appointment with GABA, I am going to a council recycling station to try and get a bike and hopefully get to JAWHM to get a better job.  I have my three day training session start on Wednesday from 10-7 each day so want to get to JAWHM and see if they can help me out.  I need cash so I can buy all the shoes that I like.

Hrrmm, hint for the day: It's all closer than I think.

PS. Turns out you are not meant to eat and drink on the street, that's why I could not find a bin.

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