Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day Four - Ikea and Rubbish

So yesterday I moved into my new room.  It was a big day.  Left hostel, to Shinjuku to get collect keys, then back on subway to new house.  I arrive and discovered a lift after climbing the first set of stairs and thinking 'you have got to be serious, I am on the 6th Floor').  Unlocked door to room, but the last tenant was still there.  All packed up but waiting for the agents to do a final inspection. All I really wanted to do was unpack but I dumped my stuff and thought it was a good chance to get to ikea.  The previous tenant, an Australian guy (David) here for 2 months quickly showed me around the neighbourhood, where to get good bento, cheap beer, 99yen store...all the important things....

So I then head back to Shinjuku, change to Shibuya and get on the Toku Toyoko Line to Den-en-chofu station (only about 20mins from Shibuya) where Ikea run a shuttle bus to their store.  Al very easy but I just missed the 1pm bus so I had another hour to wait until the next bus arrived.  Went and got some lunch, First lot of bad sushi or pot-luck-sushi, had some weirdness in the middle that I could not identify and then had a wander around, it was just like a small village and I got back to the bus stop in plenty of time.

I don't really know how many times I can buy exactly the same thing at different ikeas around the world...
So it was pretty snappy shopping experience and as I am leaving I see the ikea bus about to drive off.  I didn't want to wait another hour, so I jumped on, just in time.  
Only to discover that this one is not going back to Den-en-chofu but it is going to Yokohama.  
Not such a big deal I thought, I get to see another part of Tokyo, and then I can just  get the train back to the city.  Not really a big deal, apart form the fact that Yokohama is not part of Tokyo, and I have to buy a crazy expensive ticket to get back.  So I buy a ticket for 480Y, but then have to but a second ticket because the trains are limited express, and that costs me another 840Y.  Ok whatever, I am tired and lugging around ikea shit and just want to unpack my new room and it is getting close to 5pm and I don't want to get stuck in that craziness.
Turns out I had to pay so much for the ticket because it is the crazy fast Shin-something super express train.  Well I suppose at least now I can say I have seen it, been on it, done.  AND, it was a smooth and fast ride to shinagawa.  Where I then head back to shinjuku, and back home.  Unpack all my things and feeling a little more settled now.

So glad not to be sharing a small room with 7 other girls.  I met one house mate Mimi, she is french, doing her phd here but have not met the other American guy (though I did get a warning from David so I will wait and see...)

At 7:30pm I head downstairs where there is a plethora of convenience stores and little cafes, so I pick one that David had recommended and chow down on a katsudon, I point to the picture and waitress says 'katsudon' and i say 'Hai' and then think to myself durr, of course it is the same words as back home. I guess I am more tired than I thought. 

Finishing dinner you would normally just throw the rubbish on one bin, maybe recycle a bottle.  Not here, at my new house there is five bins.  They are broken down into burnable / non-burnable and then that is broken down into plastic bottles (which must be rinsed, lids and labels taken off and then crushed), plastic containers and glass I think.  Anyways This was quite a feat to separate after dinner, chopstick and food in one, plastic container in another and then what to do with the plastic bag?  I put it in with plastic container and will double check tomorrow.  this apparently is the best way to make enemies of your neighbours so I want to get it right.
By 830pm I have crashed out and am lying in bed on my very hard mattress.  But at least it is mine.

Hint of the day: Always carry a map and check where you are going before you jump on.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh I just love your stories and feel like I'm there watching on the sidelines! How funny that the day before you couldn't find one bin and now you've got 5 to sort out... So good that you are settled into your new pad. Maybe you should get an underlay to make the mattress more comfy? Sounds like you won't be needing to do much cooking if there's cheap places about. Next to check out is the nightlife hey? xoxoxox
