Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day Thirteen - One Job + Two = Three Jobs

Well I finished my three day GABA training on Friday and was exhausted afterwards.  I was pretty disappointed with my feedback.  For our practice classes we were rated out of 5 for each of the,  I got 3 x 3/5 and 2 x 4/5.  Everyone else in the class got at least one 5/ I was a bit gutted being the dud.  We went out for a drink afterwards in a fun area called Shimo but my heart was not really in it.  So I bailed.

After the feedback, I was thinking 'is this for me?' and was planning to go to the JAWHM agency on Monday to see if they had any work.  So when got back home on Friday night, I checked their website for their hours (they were shut last Saturday when I went to go). All this time I was thinking, its OK, once I go to the agency, they can hook me up with something, it will be OK.  But when I got home and had another look at their website...THEY HAVE CLOSED DOWN.  In June.  Not enough funding.

So then I went into a bit of a panic and started searching ', craigslist, metropolis, and' and pretty much applied for every job that I could.

I had a rotten sleep feeling anxious about it all and woke up at sparrows fart to check my email and had two emails about prospective jobs!  One was about designing a website for a guy (I am meeting him tomorrow) and the other was a waitress job in an English pub in meguro ( So I called the pub guy, had an interview yesterday afternoon and started today.  It is really crappy money but I do get a meal and two drinks (which some staff choose to drink on the job?), and they pay my transportation costs so that helps. 

I worked today 11-5pm and they do a 'all you can eat carvery lunch' on Sundays so at least I had a roast for lunch (and ate some veges for the first time this week) so thinking that will be good.  It was a bit slow for my liking, but they did say it was quiet, so hopefully it picks up next week.  At this stage I am just working Sunday lunches and Monday nights.  So then I can still do teaching the other days.  I have an induction at my 'learning studio' on Wednesday so I should be able to start teaching on Thursday.  The pub pays once a month on the 10th so at least I will have some cash coming in, then I think I can relax a bit with the money stuff. (GABA does not pay until the following month, say I work October, I don't get paid until the end of November, shitballs) so I was feeling quite anxious that I would literally be down to my last dollar by the end of November.  Soooo, shitty pub job it is, until I get sorted...

Other than that, I made it over to Roppongi on Saturday afternoon to watch 'the game'.  Drinking VB in an Irish pub 'Paddy Foleys', in Tokyo seemed little crazy/wrong but it was a good chance to meet some other foreigners who are teaching here as well.  After a few beers and very little to eat, feeling quite tipsy and decided to head home  (it was all of 7pm at this stage) and get an early night for the pub job....

Next time: I will get some more photos up, I know text is BORING!

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