Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 15 - It's raining, its pouring, its an earthquake

Umm, so day 15 here in TYO and it has not stopped pissing down.  I worked last night at the Meguro Tavern from 5-11 and it was dead from 5-8, it picked up and was at a peak at about 10 so the shift ended up going quite quickly, but from 5-8, I was doing my head in.  Has really good fish and chips for tea (hope I won't get fat working there) and meet some other staff.  thinking it could be an ok job for 2 days a week.

So, the plan was to be productive today, my list of things to see and do keeps getting longer, but it has not stopped raining since Iwoke up, and it is big fat rain too, also copped a bit of a storm and looking like it is not holding off.  I wanted to go to the mori museum today to see a 'nature' exhibition but I will see if I can get motivated this afternoon....I know at some point, I will have to get over the rain, but right at this moment I am enjoying watching 'United states of Tara'....

So, to the earthquake...it was about 3am and I fet a kind of rumble coming up from the floor, it maybe lasted 10 secs, but it felt like forever.  To begin with I got super scared and froze (similar to the experience where the hairdresser lit my hair on fire) but then a trillion thoughts started to rush into my head about what I should do if it gets bigger and if I should grab my passport, do I get under stairs, under a table...

It was over quite quickly, and it did not get any bigger, but I still got a fright. So I googled what to do and got this very helpful booklet form the Tokyo government....


Earthquake hints: open a door to secure an exit and get under a table 

Good to know, even if the earthquake was only measured at 1!


  1. Lovin' the posts 'troy-CASSA-daly (an iconic australian country singer with, I'm trying to say things that will remind you of home)...

    Keep them coming.. and good luck tomorrow

  2. Never a dull moment hey? 2 weeks there and everyday an adventure.... what next?!!
