Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day Nine - Praise Sandwich

Yep you heard it.  

We have got to remember the 'Praise Sandwich' = Praise - Mistake correction/constructive criticism - Praise. 
Now remember, it is not an open-faced sandwich....

What have I got myself into?  First day at training and it was brutal.  Lots of information to take in and loads of jargon/corporate craps.  All quite difficult when at the end of the day, we had to do a practice lesson with the person sitting beside us.  That was difficult, keeping a lesson running smoothly for 40 mins, trying to remember all the key points.  I forgot loads of the main points but figure it can only get easier from here.  The bad part is that being a one-on-one class, you can't really hide anything.  Although I think I was this nervous when I was at RMIT teaching my first class of 20 students just staring at you.  And after the first 3-4 lessons, when you get to know them and the content, I think it should be heaps easier.

I am placed at a studio 30mins train ride which I am a bit disappointed at, I was hoping to get something closer so that I could ride my bike (when I get one)...especially to keep a bit fit and save some cash on PT which is where I am spending the most money at the moment.  According to the train website it is 13.5km's so I suppose that is still rideable (maybe not in winter).  I asked if it was possible that I could transfer now before I have started but they said not really...this was where people are needed and if I want to establish a 'good client base' is better to stick to where they have placed me...

I will wait and see.  If I miss the rapid train, it can be up to an hour each way and that makes me mad.  I would not do that at home so why would I do it here....I think I will try and talk to the leader tomorrow or Friday and see if we can change it....or at least see if they will pay my transportation costs ...I am looking at 740 Yen per day in train travel so that cuts into a huge part of my budget...

Hopefully day two will be better...not feeling so convinced now...

The best part of the day is that across the road there is a shrine and they are having a 3-4 day festival to encourage the god to come out and grant their wishes, or something like that.  It is basically a big carnival with loads of food stalls and games and little kids in kimono' super cute.  will def take my camera tomoz and get some pics....

Holding my breath for day two and more classics like the praise sandwich.

Oh yeah, and the picture is the view from my bedroom window.  Pretty nice to come home to.

Best New Website:   
for train travel, provides options for your route according to how fast, easy and cheap it

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